무창자돈사의 환경요인 개선을 위한 변형환기시스템의 현장 평가 연구

A Farm Scale Study on the Modified Ventilation System for Improving Environmental Factors in a Confined Nursery Pig Building

  • Kim, H.T. (Division of Environmental Science and Technology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University) ;
  • Ko, H.J. (Division of Environmental Science and Technology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University) ;
  • Kim, K.Y. (Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati) ;
  • Nishizu, T. (Division of Environmental Science and Technology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University) ;
  • Choi, H.L. (School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Nursery pig building is imperative to provide environmental conditions favorable to maintenance of piglet health and the efficiency of growth rate. To meet the ultimate goal, it is necessary to apply proper ventilation design and construction to a confinement livestock building. This study was conducted to investigate the performance of a modified ventilation system in terms of devised slot-inlet (modification I) and exhaust fan (modification II) to improve air change rate in a confined nursery pig building, with dimension of 5.9 m(W) ${\times}$ 12.6 m(L) ${\times}$ 2.2 m(H) in an Darby Genetic Station. The experiment was carried out in August, especially when the outdoor peak temperature were above $30^{\circ}C$ and the measured indoor environmental factors were temperature, air velocity, humidity and ammonia concentration which have been known to affect the piglet health and growth. There was no difference in indoor temperature between the original and modified ventilation systems, however the air velocity and ammonia concentration in confined nursery pig building with modified ventilation system were, in most cases, better performance than original ventilation system. Therefore, it was concluded that the slot-inlet system that kept indoor environmental factors pertinent and had an economic advantage, should be considered as a ventilation system for decreasing sensible heat from piglet in confined nursery pig building during extreme summer season.



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