The Research on the Skin Type Test of $20{\sim}30's$ Women -Focused on the Reliability of Skin Type Test Questionnaires-

$20{\sim}30$대 여성의 피부 타입 측정에 관한 연구 -국내.외 화장품 회사의 피부 측정방법의 비교를 중심으로-

  • Kim Jeong-Hee (Graduate School of Health Environmental, Wonkwang University)
  • 김정희 (원광대학교 보건환경대학원 미용전공)
  • Published : 2006.07.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate the skin type of $20{\sim}30’s$ women that use skin type test paper of cosmetic companies and usual using condition for the cosmetics. The result is as follows; The research target is $20{\sim}30’s$ woman in Seoul area, around capital city area and Geonra province, we surveyed the difference among the group, after dividing the groups with job, monthly income. As the result of research on the usual using cosmetics and cleansing products, $20{\sim}30’s$ woman mostly have toilet water, lotion and foam type cleansing product and use them. As the result of consciousness of skin type combination skin type is 46.1%, dry skin type is 23%, oily skin type is 15%, sensitive skin type is 9%, normal skin type is 7%. To compare results of skin type test paper of cosmetics companies with consciousness of skin type, result of skin type test paper of cosmetics companies was different consciousness of skin type. The result of skin type test paper of B company is same as consciousness of skin type is 31.2% and this result among cosmetics companies was appeared high ratio. Among the results from 3 companies, the rate that all result for 1 person's skin type are accord, is just 8%. 2 companies among them have matching rate of 42%. Most of all, each results of skin type test paper of cosmetics companies was appeared difference. This result show the problem of objectivity about skin type test paper of cosmetics companies that they using it.



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