Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing (한국보건간호학회지)
- Volume 20 Issue 2
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- Pages.119-129
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- 2006
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- 1226-0290(pISSN)
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- 2234-2869(eISSN)
Depression and Cognitive Function of the Elderly Using the Welfare Facilities for the Aged in the Community
노인복지시설 이용노인의 우울 및 인지기능 상태에 대한 연구
Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the status of depression and the cognitive function among the elderly over 65 years of age who use the welfare facilities for the aged in the community. Methods: For this study the data were collected from March 27, 2006 to April 14, 2006. Subjects were 92 elderly over 65 years old. The level of depression was estimated with the Beck Depression Inventory, and the cognitive function with the modified Mental Status Questionnaire (MSQ). The Data were analyzed using frequencies, t-test, and Pearson's correlation coefficient with the SPSS/PC program. Results: The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. The mean score was 13.09 for depression and 8.27 for cognitive function. 2. Analysis according to the demographic characteristics confirmed a statistically significant difference on the level of cognitive function between the elderly who live alone and those who live together(f=4.293, p<0.01) 3. The percentage of the severely and mildly impaired in cognitive function was 7.6% and 6.5%, respectively. 4. The variables of age(f=11.17, p<0.01), educational level(f=15.23, p<0.01), martial status(f=4.084, p<0.01), and economic activity(t=4.41, p<0.01) showed a significant effect on cognitive function. 5. There was no relationship between depression and cognitive function. Conclusion: Social support and a variety of programs at welfare facilities in the community were recommended in order to reduce depression and cognitive impairment in the elderly.