생태 감사를 이용한 지속가능한 학교 에너지 관리 방안 연구

A Study of Sustainable Energy Management through the Application of the Eco-Audit

  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


The purpose of this study is to devise proper plans for sustainable energy management in schools through applying school eco-audit to energy field. This study is performed by literature review and the analysis of case study. This study analyzes the energy-saving model school according to the three cores of eco-audit such as school administration system, teaching-learning method, and ecological policy, and the result of the study is as followings. First, according to the analysis of school administration system for energy education programs, the participation of all the school staff is very low, and the democratic decision-making system is unsatisfactory. Second, according to the analysis of teaching-learning method, the program is mainly managed by teacher-oriented method not by learner-oriented one. The effect on the education of energy-saving program is a little improved in cognitive area, but is insufficient in affective area. Third, in the aspect of the ecological policy, the practical energy-saving effect in schools is unsatisfactory, and shows the difficulty of continuing application of the program. Consequently, it is desirable to integrate the energy-saving program with the eco-audit for sustainable energy management in schools. Implementation of the energy eco-audit in schools for the sustainable development education as teaching-learning method could achieve extended effect for the earth environmental conservation.
