직장여성을 위한 이지 캐주얼 웨어 디자인 개발

The Design Development of Easy Casual Wear for Career Women

  • 변미연 (원광대학교 패션디자인산업) ;
  • 이인성 (이화여자대학교 의류직물학과)
  • Byun, Mi-Yeon (Dept. of Fashion Design & Apparel Industry, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Lee, In-Seong (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.31


This study rearranged a concept of Friday wear considered as casual wear by searching social background through analysis of literature study and photo materials and classifying by characteristics of casual wear. It investigated growing changes of casual wear and the progress of changes casual brands through a market survey based on departments in Seoul. And then, it examined characteristics of a design and the critical point of easy casual selecting GIORDANO, TBJ and NII of three easy casual brands. Conclusions of the study are as follows: Firstly, present casual wear showed subdivision of casual wear as abundant grouping vocabularies appeared contrary to the past. Secondly, easy casual wear has continuously increased by results of investigating departments in Seoul on the progress of changing easy casual wear brand including the concept of Friday wear. Thirdly, if a main target sets the early 20s, women workers in their 20's and 30's are likely to be reluctant to wear it according to results of investigating designs and characteristics based on GIORDANO, TBJ and NII of existing three easy casual brands through the market survey. Also, it was verified that most of these brands have no a luxurious image because they adhere to middle-low price. Fourthly, it improved problems of easy casual through developing designs of easy casual wear. Easy casual wear supplementing weak these points of easy casual wear was evaluated as suitable clothes for workers to wear in on and off their own time in Friday.



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