Topology Optimization Using Digital Images

디지털 이미지를 이용한 위상최적설계

  • 신운주 (한양대학교 대학원 기계설계학과) ;
  • 민승재 (한양대학교 기계공학부, 최적설계 신기술 연구센터)
  • Published : 2006.08.31


For the design and analysis of 3D object featuring complexity and irregularity in shape, sectional digital images measured by an industrial CT scanner are employed to generate a finite element model with uniform voxels. The voxel model plays a key role in developing an integrated reverse engineering system including geometric modeling, simulation and optimization. Design examples applied to topology optimization show that the proposed approach can provide a remarkable reduction in time cost at the conceptual and detail design stages.



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