Development of IFC Model Extension and Drawing Representation Expression System for nD Model-Based Transposition of Complex Engineering Products and Services

복합 시설물의 nD 모델 호환을 위한 IFC 모델 확장개발 및 도면 생성 표현 체계에 관한 기초연구

  • Published : 2006.12.31


The purpose of this study is to develop mechanisms of nD model-based design by the combination of 2D drawing standards and 3D building models from the current 2D and text-based design. The aim of this study can be archived by defining the 2D model extension definitions for the IFC model development and harmonizing existing 2D standards. The paper examines 1) 3D Representation of Building Element and Building Services element, and 2D Model extension of IFC2X.2, 2) Basic development of additional 2D element that should be added to IFC model, and 3) mapping method between current 2D standard and IFC2.X2. Following this approach, the interoperability problem between 3D model and 2D drawing can be solved and finally an extended data model could be developed.



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