Determination of Optimal Build Orientation Based on Satisfactory Degree Theory for RPT

  • Zhao, Jibin (Key Lab of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Shenyang Institute of Automation China Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Liu, Weijun (Key Lab of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Shenyang Institute of Automation China Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Wu, Jianhuang (Key Lab of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Shenyang Institute of Automation China Academy of Sciences)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


In rapid prototyping, the optimal part orientation during fabrication is critical as it can improve part accuracy, minimize the requirement for supports and reduce the production time. Through investigating the geometric issues of STL model and process planning of RPM, This paper establishes optimizing model based on the considerations of staircase effect, support area and production time. The general satisfactory degree function is constructed employing the multi-objective optimization theory based on the general satisfactory degree principle. The best part-building orientation is obtained by solving the function employing generic algorithm. Experiment shows that the methods can effective resolve the part-building orientation in RP.



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