FT-IR Study of Dopant-wool Interactions During PPy Deposition

  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Coating the fibre surface by in situ oxidative chemical polymerisation of polypyrrole (using $FeCl_3$ as oxidant) is a readily industrial applicable way to give electrical properties to wool with good ageing stability [1], although pre-treatments are required to avoid damage of the cuticle surface due to the acidic condition of the process. FT-IR and EDX analysis reveal that organic sulphonates and sulphates, used as dopants, are absorbed by wool, while chlorine ions are preferably embedded on the polypyrrole layer. The resulting electrical conductivity seems mainly due to the presence of chlorine as counter-ion of polypyrrole; nevertheless, the presence of arylsulphonate in the polymerisation bath increases the electrical conductivity of the coating layer.



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