개에서 둔부 골관절염의 봉침 치료

Bee-Venom Acupuncture Treatment of Hip Osteoarthritis in a Dog

  • Kim Tae-Hwa (Kim Tae-Hwa Animal Clinic) ;
  • Kim Byung-Young (Noah Animal Clinic) ;
  • Kim Won-Bae (Gaepo Animal Clinic) ;
  • Kim Kwang-Shik (Withpet Animal Clinic) ;
  • Liu Jianzhu (Laboratory of Veterinary Internal Medicine, College of Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine, Shandong Agricultural University) ;
  • Kim Duck-Hwan (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Rogers Phil A.M. (Teagasc, Grange Research Centre, Dunsany, Co.)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


개에서 방사선 검사로 확진한 둔부 골관절염 증례에 대하여 hyaluronic acid의 관절강내 주사 및 caprofen의 경구투여를 2주간 치료를 하였으나, 임상증상이 개선되지 않았다. 봉독 수침요법(5일 간격, 7회)과 압통점 치료를 병용하였다. 수침에 사용된 혈위는 이환 된 우측 환지의 5개 혈위를 사용하였다: GB30(국소혈), ST35, GB33, BL40 및 LIV08(원위혈). 수침재료(0.2 ml/혈위, 전체 1 ml/회)는 apitoxin $100{\mu}g+2%$ 리도카인 (1:1)+생리식염수로 제조하였고, 5개 혈위에 각각 0.2 ml씩 수침하였다. 또한 우측 환지의 대퇴사두근의 압통점에 2% 리도카인(0.2ml/압통점)을 매회 치료 시 각각 수침하였다. 봉침 수침 요법은 임상증상을 급속하게 개선시켰는데, 파행 및 보행실조가 7회 치료(30일) 후 소실되었으며, 우측 후지의 근육 위축이 많이 호전되었고, 치료 종료 2주 후(44일)에 방사선 검사 상 환부는 거의 정상소견을 나타내었다. 본 환축은 봉독 수침 요법과 압통점 치료의 병용으로 양호한 치료반응을 나타난 개의 둔부 골관절염의 증례이었다.

Two weeks of therapy with intra-articular hyaluronic acid and oral caprofen failed to improve the clinical signs of hip osteoarthritis radiologically confirmed in a dog. Then, over the period of 30 days (7 sessions at 5-day intervals), bee- venom acupuncture (BV-AP, injection of bee venom at acupoints, also called apitoxin-aquapuncture) plus Trigger Point (TP) therapy was used. Five acupoints on the affected right limb were injected each time: GB30(as local point), plus ST35, GB33, BL40 and LIV08 (as distant points). The injection mixture (0.2 ml/point; total 1 ml/session) was saline + apitoxin + 2% lidocaine, so that the injected solution contained $100{\mu}g$ apitoxin diluted in 0.2% lidocaine-saline solution/ml. The total dose of apitoxin used was, therefore, $100{\mu}g/session$, divided over the 5 acupoints. One TP in the middle of the right quadriceps muscle was injected with 2% lidocaine (0.2 ml/point) each time. BV-AP improved the clinical signs rapidly; lameness and ataxia were disappear after 7 sessions (30 days); the right hind limb muscular atrophy was much improved and the hip radiograph was almost normal two weeks after 7 sessions (44 days). The present patient was a case with canine hip osteoarthritis which showed favorable therapeutic response by BV-AP plus TP therapy.



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