미용(美容)서비스품질(品質) 지각(知覺)이 구매행동(購買行動)에 미치는 영향 분석(影響 分析)

A Study on the Effect of the Perceived Beauty Service Quality on the Purchase Intention

  • 발행 : 2006.02.28


The purpose of this study was to analysis how perceived beauty service quality, perceived value influenced on purchase intention of customers. Moreover, this study was suggested strategic solutions for beauty managers and employees to build efficient marketing strategies in order to maximize customer satisfaction. For research method, SPSS 12.0 program was used and for the accuracy of precision of a measuring instrument reliability test was applied. And then simple and multiple regression analysis were performed to examine the effects of independent variables to dependent variables to dependant variables. The results of this study were five folds: the higher perceived service quality of beauty service was, the higher perceived value, satisfaction, word-of-mouth, and intention of revisiting were; the higher perceived value was, the better satisfaction, word-of-mouth, and intention of revisiting were; technical service quality was single most important factor affecting influence on perceived value, satisfaction, word of mouth, intention of revisiting, and functional service quality and physical service quality were listed second and third.



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