아트 에이프런(Art Apron)디자인 개발 연구(開發 硏究)

A Study for Developing the Art Apron Design

  • 노윤선 (동서대학교 디자인학부패션디자인)
  • Roh, Youn-Sun (Department of Fashion Design, Dongseo University)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.28


Aprons are popularly used among women for domestic work. They also protect clothes from filth and at the same time become an ornamentation for fashion. Despite their important use at homes and restaurants, beauty parlors, and hotels, little study has been done on aprons. Commercialized aprons do not come in various forms, rather they use the same simple shape with different patterns. There has been no independent study done on aprons, however aprons have been studied as a part of uniform studies in the dining industry by Park and Na(2003) and uniform studies in the airline industry by Lee(2001) and Chung(2001). In this study, the author looked into aprons in accordance to the change of housing space and life style. Not only to be worn in the kitchen, but also to greet guests or for a walk in the neighborhood, the apron needs to have various functions and a trendy fashion. Designs to persue personality and high quality along with functionality and esthetical beauty were developed to present various functions of the apron.



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