A Study on Addiction Toward Luxury Product

명품 중독(名品 中毒)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Lee, Seung-Hee (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Sungshin Women's University)
  • 이승희 (성신여자대학교 의류학과)
  • Published : 2006.09.30


The purpose of this study was to examine affecting the addictive buying behavior toward fashion luxury products. 227 female college students were who purchased fashion luxury products surveyed for this study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and multiple regression were used. As the results, addictive buying toward luxury products was classified into three factors: impulse addictive, money addictive, and psychological addictive. Also, consumers' individuality pursuit was classified into four factors: unique choice, non-similarity choice, individual choice and non-social interest. Multiple regression results revealed that impulse buying, stress, and unique choice accounted for 38% of the explained variance in addictive buying toward luxury products. Also, regression results indicated that impulse buying, stress, unique choice and reference group accounted for 38% of the explained variance in impulse addictive buying. Finally, regression results pointed out that unique choice and impulse accounted 24% of the explained variance in psychological addictive buying. Based on these results, fashion social responsibility marketing strategies would be suggested.



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