질적 연구를 통한 한국 가족의 양계화 현상에 대한 진단적 접근

Bilateralization Phenomena in Korean Families: A Qualitative Approach

  • 성미애 (한국방송통신대학교 가정학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


This article explores bilateralization phenomena in Korean families through intimacy and interaction with matrilineal kins. In-depth interviews were conducted with married men and women aged from their mid-30s to mid-40s. The findings indicate that the intimacy range of participants was restricted to blood-based kins. The power hypothesis was supported for male participants. Some wanted to actively contact their spouse's family members, while others did not want to be connected with the spouse's families. Interaction with wives' families was based on the exchange perspective. In contrast, a complicated mechanism existed in the intimacy and interaction of female participants. Most of them were connected with in-laws in a passive way but actively interacted with their family-of-origin. However, some female respondents did not have good relationships with their mothers. Undifferentiation between mothers and married daughters negatively influenced their relationships. Therefore, it could be concluded that bilateralization phenomena in Korean families is another kind of shackle of patrilineal norms.



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