A Dynamic Offset and Delay Differential Assembly Method for OBS Network

  • Sui Zhicheng (Center of Broadband Optical Networking Technology(CBONT), State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) ;
  • Xiao Shilin (Center of Broadband Optical Networking Technology(CBONT), State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) ;
  • Zeng Qingji (Center of Broadband Optical Networking Technology(CBONT), State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


We study the dynamic burst assembly based on traffic prediction and offset and delay differentiation in optical burst switching network. To improve existing burst assembly mechanism and build an adaptive flexible optical burst switching network, an approach called quality of service (QoS) based adaptive dynamic assembly (QADA) is proposed in this paper. QADA method takes into account current arrival traffic in prediction time adequately and performs adaptive dynamic assembly in limited burst assembly time (BAT) range. By the simulation of burst length error, the QADA method is proved better than the existing method and can achieve the small enough predictive error for real scenarios. Then the different dynamic ranges of BAT for four traffic classes are introduced to make delay differentiation. According to the limitation of BAT range, the burst assembly is classified into one-dimension limit and two-dimension limit. We draw a comparison between one-dimension and two-dimension limit with different prediction time under QoS based offset time and find that the one-dimensional approach offers better network performance, while the two-dimensional approach provides strict inter-class differentiation. Furthermore, the final simulation results in our network condition show that QADA can execute adaptive flexible burst assembly with dynamic BAT and achieve a latency reduction, delay fairness, and offset time QoS guarantee for different traffic classes.



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