Real Time Spectrum Markets and Interruptible Spectrum

  • Marcus Michael J. (Institute of Technology in Electrical Engineering)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Historically, spectrum use has been increased through use of high frequencies, improved modulation, and between antenna techniques. However, these approaches are reaching practical limits. Cognitive radio allows new approaches to improve the intensity of use in spectrum which is licensed but under utilized. This paper addresses two such possible approaches. Real time spectrum markets permit users to exchange spectrum use. Interruptible spectrum would allow public sector spectrum users to recoup economic benefits for allowing others to share their low average, high peak use spectrum subject to preemption.



  1. Shared Spectrum Company, New York city spectrum occupancy measurements, Sept. 2004, available at
  2. R. Syski, Introduction to Congestion Theory in Telephone Systems (Studies in Telecommunication), North-Holland, 2nd ed., 1986
  3. 'Notice of proposed rulemaking,' Docket 03-108, available at
  4. 'Report and order,' Docket 03-108 at para. 86, available at
  5. '2nd report and order,' Docket 00-230, at para. 53, available at
  6. 'Report and order,' Docket 03-108 at para. 11
  7. 'Report and order and further notice of proposed rulemaking,' Docket 00230, 18 FCC Rcd 20604 (2003), Erratum, 18 FCC Rcd 24817 (2003)
  8. '2nd report and order, order on reconsideration, and second further notice of proposed rulemaking,' Docket 00-230
  9. 'Notice of proposed rulernaking,' Docket 04-186, available at
  10. 'Comments of MSTV,' Docket 04-186, available at