저자들은 과거 결핵을 앓고 진균덩이를 가진 환자로 평소 만성적인 기침과 가래 등 호흡기적 증상을 가진 환자가 객혈로 내원하여 기관지 혈관 조영 색전술을 시행하는 과정에서 촬영한 전산화 단층 촬영과 기관지 내시경에서 발견된 기관 게실을 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.
We experienced a rare case of trachea diverticula combined with the sequela of tuberculosis and a fungus ball. The patient had complained of coughing and hemoptysis for a long time after experiencing tuberculosis. He was admitted due to hemoptysis and the aggravation of coughing. The CT scan showed a variable sized trachea diverticula combined with tuberculosis sequela and a fungus ball in the right lung fields. The diagnosis was made by bronchoscopy and a CT scan. After bronchial artery embolization and conservative treatment, the patient's symptoms improved and the patient was discharged.