부산시 환경용량평가에 관한 연구

Environmental Capacity Assessment of Busan City

  • 투고 : 2005.11.06
  • 심사 : 2006.01.19
  • 발행 : 2006.02.28


Environmental capacity assessment of Busan city was conducted to provide basis for planning on sustainable development and growth of the city. Using Onish model, assessment was carried out on amenities and service facilities for the citizens of Busan city. Ecological Footprint model was used to judge if the city exceeds the its environmental capacity and to estimate the extent of the excess if it exists. The analysis using Onish model revealed that the citizens of Busan city are generally well supported by the infrastructure and service facilities of the city. Water treatment and supply facilities have enough capabilities to support the city, whereas the relatively low rate of sanitary sewer supply (78%) suggests the need for further improvement in the wastewater area. The capacities of sanitary landfills are found sufficient enough to support the city for the next 10 years. The high value for the line length served per capita in the subway sector hints on certain inconvenience of commuters. All the air quality indicators meet the Korean and WHO standards except for $NO_2$. The ecological footprint model analysis produced EF indicators for Busan city of 3.04 ha/person and 2.54 ha/person for the years of 1993 and 2003, respectively. The decrease of the indicator from 1993 to 2003 is mainly due to the incorporation of Gijang area by Busan city in 1995, suggesting the importance of the ecologically productive area in the evaluation using this model. The analysis on the ecological deficit that is based on ecologically productive land shows that the consumption by Busan city exceeds its ecologically available production by 19,600% as of 2003. The area needed to support the consumption of Busan city in 2003 is 123 times as large as the present area of Busan city, which is substantially lower than the multiplier (742) obtained for Seoul city in 1997 but is higher than those observed for Chongju city (71 in 1999) and Ulsan city (39 in 2001).



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