백화점의 공간구성 실태와 보완사항에 관한 연구 - 대구지역을 중심으로 -

A Study on the actual Conditions and Improvement Item of Space Formation at a Department Store - Focus on the Daegu -

  • 박의정 (대구예술대학교 실내디자인) ;
  • 서지은 (대구예술대학교 실내디자인) ;
  • 이정호 (경북대학교 건축학부)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


A number of the retail and traditional market customer is decrease, whereas that of the supermarket in department-store customers is increase. This case suggests that customers have a preference for much more comfortable and pleasant shopping places And making a reasonable purchase in the supermarkets where we can find various goods and price zone, is now garden variety. It is a current course that once the manager ask an architect for multi-functional space design in department-store and then the architect compose a team and start to design. Of course, the team of planner thinking manage give the design team the basic material data such as commerce analysis and the use of each layer in the department store but, the design team solve the assignment by architectural form, functional space plan and the limited architecture law, After establishing general design for architecture, we can ask shopping-mall distribution, products display and interior design of the interior design team. so it is inevitable that the interior design team concerning M$\cdot$D can find lots of complementary factors with architecture design. The purpose of this study is analyzing the differences of architecture design, which has to accept the limited law and interior design concerning M$\cdot$D, satisfying the structure and the law in the future design for the department-store. Also the purpose of this thesis is suggestion the items architects and interior designers research into together to make the inner space ideally.



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