지속가능한 실내환경디자인 요소의 체계적 분류 - 초고층 아파트 단위 주공간의 디자인요소를 중심으로 -

A Systematic Categorization of Interior Environmental Design Elements for Improving Sustainability - With Particular Reference to Unit Plan Design Elements of High-rise Apartment -

  • 이은정 (연세대학교 대학원 건축공학과) ;
  • 박영기 (연세대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


A sustainable building must produce an interior environment that is safe, healthy, comfortable and supportive of human performance and well-being. The medical human comfort: performance and productivity cost of unhealthy environment may cause much cost for healing. Research that buildings with daylight, fresh air, eco-materials and sustainable interior design are consistently rated as more comfortable and occupants performance, satisfaction and health. This study is to categorize systematically interior environmental design elements for improving sustainability with a view to developing an evaluation model of super high-rise apartment unit plans. With a literature survey and design guide lines concerning sustainable design elements, three hierarchical categorization levels of human, environment, energy and resources systems that consists of upper, middle, low design elements have been proposed. A total of 6 items have been suggested for middle level of categorization and 24 items for lower level. Finally a total of 107 design elements concerning the 24 items and their relationahips have been revealed. The needs for a systematic approach to interior environmental design for sustainability have been discussed.



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