Transductive SVM을 위한 분지-한계 알고리즘

A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Finding an Optimal Solution of Transductive Support Vector Machines

  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Transductive Support Vector Machine(TSVM) is one of semi-supervised learning algorithms which exploit the domain structure of the whole data by considering labeled and unlabeled data together. Although it was proposed several years ago, there has been no efficient algorithm which can handle problems with more than hundreds of training examples. In this paper, we propose an efficient branch-and-bound algorithm which can solve large-scale TSVM problems with thousands of training examples. The proposed algorithm uses two bounding techniques: min-cut bound and reduced SVM bound. The min-cut bound is derived from a capacitated graph whose cuts represent a lower bound to the optimal objective function value of the dual problem. The reduced SVM bound is obtained by constructing the SVM problem with only labeled data. Experimental results show that the accuracy rate of TSVM can be significantly improved by learning from the optimal solution of TSVM, rather than an approximated solution.



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