Grooming Behavior and a Possible Morphological Structure for Secretions from Abdominal Glands of a Korean Wood-eating Cockroach, Cryptocercus kyebangensis (Insecta: Blattodea)

  • 발행 : 2006.05.01


Cryptocercus nymphs periodically groom ventral surface of their parents. The grooming might be licking-behavior to obtain secretions from the ventral surface of their parents, and some essential nutrients or hormones that facilitate nymphal development might be included in the secretions. We tried to find morphological structures for secretion outlets on the ventral surface. The deep depressions around setae were present, and their shape was an external morphological structure that liquid secretions from internal glands are likely to be well seized. There were also small holes on the depressions that might be external openings for secretions from the sternal glands. Another possible region on body surface for outlets of secretions might be the apophyses. In Cryptocercus individuals, mucous liquid on body surface was relatively highly present around coxa. The intercoxal apodemes, to which muscles are attached and which open externally between the mid and hindcoxae, might have evolved a secondary function of producing nourishment for the young.



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