재가노인의 포괄적 건강문제 평가와 관리방안

Management Strategy by Evaluation on Comprehensive Health Problem in the Community-dwelling Elderly of Korea

  • 이재창 (대전대학교 산업광고심리학과) ;
  • 김은경 (을지의과대학교 간호대학)
  • Lee, Jae-Chang (Department of Industrial & Advertising Psychology, Daejeon University) ;
  • Kim, Eun-Kyung (School of Nursing, Eulji University)
  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


Purpose: The aim of this study was to define the health problem in the community-dwelling elderly of Korea and to compare differences of CAPs(Client Assessment Protocols) by characteristics. Method: Data was collected by visiting nurse from 556 elderly over 65 years in selected metropolitan areas. To evaluate the functional state of elderly in the community, I used "RAI-MDS HC; Residental Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set-Home Care(2.0 version)" and established information exchange system among resources, by developing the data into a computer program. Results: The health problem of 'preventive health measures' was the largest(99.6%), and then 'health promotion(85.3%)', 'visual function(75.5%)', 'psychologic drug(68.9%)', 'pain(68.5%)', ‘social function(59.2%)', 'communication disorders(56.2%)', 'environmental assessment(53.2%)', 'depression & anxiety(46.9%)', 'oral health(43.4%)' followed. The number of health problems was average 10.16 in the community-dwelling elderly. Conclusion: The results suggest the need to emphasize the importance of assessment of the health problem of the elderly. We can apply it in the distribution of community resources and the development of service providing programs by figure out the health problem and resource in need for the elderly in the community.
