Friction Mechanisms of Silicon Wafer and Silicon Wafer Coated with Diamond-like Carbon Film and Two Monolayers

  • Singh R. Arvind (Tribology Research Center, Korea institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Yoon Eui-Sung (Tribology Research Center, Korea institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Han Hung-Gu (Tribology Research Center, Korea institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Kong Ho-Sung (Tribology Research Center, Korea institute of Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


The friction behaviour of Si-wafer, diamond-like carbon (DLC) and two self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) namely dimethyldichlorosilane (DMDC) and diphenyl-dichlorosilane (DPDC) coated on Si-wafer was studied under loading conditions in milli-newton (mN) range. Experiments were performed using a ball-on-flat type reciprocating micro-tribo tester. Glass balls with various radii 0.25 mm, 0.5 mm and 1 mm were used. The applied normal load was in the range of 1.5 mN to 4.8 mN. Results showed that the friction increased with the applied normal load in the case of all the test materials. It was also observed that friction was affected by the ball size. Friction increased with the increase in the ball size in the case of Si-wafer. The SAMs also showed a similar trend, but had lower values of friction than those of Si-wafer In-terestingly, for DLC it was observed that friction decreased with the increase in the ball size. This distinct difference in the behavior of friction in DLC was attributed to the difference in the operating mechanism. It was observed that Si-wafer and DLC exhibited wear, whereas wear was absent in the SAMs. Observations showed that solid-solid adhesion was dominant in Si-wafer, while plowing in DLC. The wear in these two materials significantly Influenced their friction. In the case of SAMs their friction behaviour was largely influenced by the nature of their molecular chains.



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