Journal for History of Mathematics (한국수학사학회지)
- Volume 19 Issue 2
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- Pages.59-76
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- 2006
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- 1226-931X(pISSN)
Mathematics and Arts of Renaissance on the Chaotic Perspective
카오스의 관점에서 본 르네상스의 수학과 미술
- Kye Young-Hee (College of Information Media, Kosin University) ;
- Oh Jin-Kyoug (Department of Arts History, Ewha womens University)
- Published : 2006.05.01
This research focuses on the relationship between mathematics and visual art from a perspective of chaos theory which emerged under the influence of post-modernism. Culture and history, which transform dynamically with the passing of time, are models of complexity. Especially, when the three periods of Medieval, Renaissance, and 17-18 Centuries are observed, the Renaissance period is phase transition phenomenon era between Medieval and 17-18 Centuries. The transition stage between the late Medieval times and the Renaissance; and the stage between the Renaissance and the Modern times are also phase transitions. These phenomena closely resemble similarity in Fractal theory, which includes the whole in a partial structure. Phase transition must be preceded by fluctuation. In addition to the pioneers' prominent act of creation in the fields of mathematics and visual an serving as drive behind change, other socio-cultural factors also served as motivations, influencing the transformation of the society through interdependency. In particular, this research focuses on the fact that scientific minds of artists in the Renaissance stimulated the birth of Perspective Geometry.
본 논문은 탈근대화의 영향으로 등장한 카오스 이론의 시각으로, 수학과 미술의 관련성을 연구하였다 중세 말에서 르네상스로 접어드는 13-14세기, 르네상스의 개화기인 15, 16세기 그리고 16세기말에서 바로크 시대로 접어드는 세 시기에 시대정신이 역동적 체계에서 어떻게 구축되는지를 조망하였다. 시간의 흐름과 더불어 역동적으로 변모해가는 문화와 역사는복잡계의 전형이기 때문이다.