플렉스 타임제(Flextime system) 근로자의 고용보험적용에 관한 연구

A Study on the application of unemployment insurance of flextime system worker

  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


Flextime system labor problem appeared by social issue going through a late 97s economic crisis. The most important thing among gravity is that act for factor who do to magnify gulf between rich and poor because do so that may polarize labor market at central part and neighborhood and makes preservation of society integration hardly social economy enemy of flextime system worker's spread. Furthermore, new economy surrounding has attribute that deepen uncertainty social bipolarization according as order by 21th century information-oriented society, globalization, knowledge base economy. Therefore, role of the country that control spread of flextime system in fixed level is more important first of all and application of employment insurance may do that have important meaning and social deliquescence.



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