Make-up Behavior Differences Depending on Make-up Preference Image

화장추구이미지에 따른 화장행동의 차이

  • Published : 2006.05.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the make-up behavior influenced by make-up preference images, and the order of importance in the make-up behaviors. The questionnaires were given to female residents in the ages between $20\sim45$ in Seoul and Kyung-gi province during October 2004. 322 questionnaires were used for data analysis. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS 10.0 software with various techniques such as ANOVA test, Duncan test and Paired t-test. The make-up behaviors were divided into three main categories: facial make-up behavior, color make-up behavior, and additional make-up behavior. The results showed that the skin care behavior was considered the most important among other make-up behaviors. Generally facial make-up was thought to be most important and color make-up, and additional make-up were followed orderly. The results of the make-up behavior differences by make-up preference image. The natural make-up preference image group considered all the make-up behavior less important than other make-up preference image groups. The modern make-up preference image group considered additional make-up behavior more important.



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