Critical current densities were measured for a bicrystalline $(Sm_{0.8}Dy_{0.2})Ba_2Cu_3O_7$ film under various magnetic fields $({^{\rightarrow_{H}}}_a)$. The fields were varied from -0.7KOe to +0.7KOe for various orientations with respect to the film surface. The curves of the critical current densities $(J_{cb})\;vs\;{^{\rightarrow_{H}}}_a$ showed the well known butterfly-like hysteretic curves. Our data could be analyzed for the two components of field, which are normal and parallel to the film surface, respectively. We combined the effect of $H_\perp$ deduced from the data for the normal field $(\theta=90^{\circ})$ and the effect of $H_\parallel$ deduced from the data for the almost parallel field $(\theta=2^{\circ})$. Our analyses indicate that $(J_{cb})$ depends on the two components of flux density at the grain boundary. All the experimental data for various ${\theta}s$ fit well to this new formula which was obtained by multiplying the factors deduced from the field dependences of these two components.