산업현장에서의 안전표지 사용 실태 및 개선방향

A Questionnaire Survey on Utilization and Improvement Guides for Safety Signs in Industrial Fields

  • 발행 : 2006.08.31


Though safety signs are important since they transmit hazard information even after diverse accident prevention treatments, their functional effectiveness were never tested in Korea so that even those provided by Occupational Safety & Health Act(OSHAct) could not accomplish their objectives, "effective accident prevention", This research was carried out to understand confronted problems and improvement direction for safety signs provided by OSHAct. For them, current safety signs were analyzed with a semiotic view on one hand, and a questionnaire survey was conducted with safety-related people in industrial fields on the other hand. To summarize problems in semiotic aspects, geometric simplicity of pictograms in safety signs seemed to be so emphasized that they might fail to induce realistic action, and their esthetic sensation seemed to be lower than those of developed countries. And according to present questionnaire survey, it was pointed out that; 1) legal systems related with safety signs were not classified appropriately, 2) safety signs were recognized as difficult to understand and inapplicable to industrial fields, and eventually 3) safety signs were not effectively utilized for industrial accident prevention. Therefore, discussions for improving confronted problems and relation to international standards were added at the end.



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