Optimization of Modified Starches on Retrogradation of Korean Rice Cake(Garaeduk)

가래떡의 노화 억제에 관한 변형 전분의 최적화

  • Published : 2006.09.30


This study was carried out to investigate the influences of modified starches on suppression of retrogradation in Korean rice cake for their optimization, Garaeduk. Based upon studying Avrami equation, the Avrami exponent n value of all the experiment samples was found to be 1.03 ${\sim}$ 1.37 in the influence of modified starches on retrogradation of the rice cake. This means that the retrogradation of the Korean rice cake occurred instantly after the crystallization of starch particles in the Korean rice cake formulated by modified starches. The highest Avrami exponent n value was indicated in the control sample. The rate constant k of retrogradation in the Korean rice cake formulated by modified starches showed comparatively low and appeared to be the lowest in the Korean rice cake formulated by SHPP. This tendency was shown well in the time constant(1/k) of retrogradation velocity. According to the DSC analysis, the onset temperature of gelatinization in thermal characteristics showed somewhat high in case of addition of modified starch into the Korean rice cake on storage time and the SHPP was slowly gone up. In peak temperature of gelatinization in thermal characteristics of the DSC analysis, SSOS and ASA were increased a little in comparison with the control. The control was comparatively high increase. Melting enthalphy of all samples added with modified starches (SSOS: 21.1${\rightarrow}$23.7${\rightarrow}$24.1, ASA: 21.1${\rightarrow}$24.8${\rightarrow}$25.4) appeared to be lower than that of the Korean rice cake without modified starches(21.2${\rightarrow}$26.1${\rightarrow}$27.1). The Korean rice cake added with SHPP was shown to be the lowest in the increasing rate of melting enthalpy(20.9${\rightarrow}$21.4${\rightarrow}$22.1). Heat spreadability of all the samples in Martin melting diameter was revealed to be good in order of control, ASA, SSOS, SHPP and especially the Korean rice cake added with SHPP was shown to be the best in heat spreadability. In color, sensory examination and textural characteristic of the Korean rice cake added with modified starches, the L$^*$value was not changed practically with the storage time and seemed to be stable. The a$^*$ value of the samples was followed by control(2.21${\rightarrow}$5.34: 141.6%), ASA (2.01${\rightarrow}$4.22: 110.0%), SSOS (2.78${\rightarrow}$4.87: 75.2%) and SHPP (2.12${\rightarrow}$3.40: 60.4%) in order of color change. Also the b$^*$ value of the samples was followed by control(4.32${\rightarrow}$6.35: 47.0%), ASA (4.66${\rightarrow}$5.73: 23.0%), SSOS (4.90${\rightarrow}$5.89: 20.2%) and SHPP (4.89${\rightarrow}$5.12: 4.7%) and there was the least (or no) color change with the SHPP. Textural characteristics of samples was shown to be the highest in case of modified starch addition and especially SHPP appeared to be the best in texture.

본 연구는 변형 전분이 가래떡의 노화에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 규명하기 위해 실시하였다. 우선 변형전분이 가래떡의 노화에 미치는 영향을 Avrami equation으로 검토하였는데 그 결과 Avrami equation 지수 n값은 실험구 모두 1.03${\sim}$l.31범위로 나타났다. 이것은 변형 전분을 첨가한 가래떡 전분 입자의 결정화 즉시노화가 일어난다는 것을 의미하며 대조구(control)의Avrami equation 지수 n값이 가장 높은 값을 나타내었다. 노화속도상수 k는 대조구에 비해서 변형 전분을 첨가한 경우가 낮게 나타났으며 그 중 SHPP가 가장 낮게 나타났다. 이러한 경향은 노화 속도의 시간 상수 1/k값에서도 잘 나타나 있다. 시차주사열량기(DSC, differential scanning calorimeter)를 이용한 변형 전분의 가래떡에 대한 열적 특성 검토에서는 저장 기간에 따라 변형 전분을 사용한 경우 전분 입자의 호화 개시 온도가 조금씩 높아졌고 그 중 SHPP가 가장 완만하게 상승하였다. 떡의 최대 호화온도에서도 저장기간에 따라 SHPP는 거의 변하지 않고 SSOS, ASA는 약간 증가하였고 대조구는 더 많이 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 용융 enthalpy(${\Delta}$H)는 대조구(21.2${\rightarrow}$26.1${\rightarrow}$27.1)에 비해서 변형 전분을 첨가한 경우(SSOS: 21.1${\rightarrow}$23.7${\rightarrow}$24.1, ASA: 21.1${\rightarrow}$24.8${\rightarrow}$25.4)가 용융 enthalpy가 적은 것으로 나타났으며 특히 SHPP의 경우는 가장 적은 폭으로 증가하였다. 가래떡의 열 용융 신전성(열용융신전성(熱熔融伸剪性), Martindiameter)은 대조구, ASA, SSOS, SHPP 순으로 좋게 나타났으며 SHPP를 첨가한 것이 가장 좋은 용융 신전성을 나타내었다. 변형 전분을 첨가한 가래떡의 색깔과 관능적 조직감의 경우에는 L$^*$값은 저장 기간에 따라 SSOS와 SHPP의 경우에는 그 값이 많이 변하지 않고 안정한 편이었다. a$^*$값은 대조구(2.21${\rightarrow}$5.34 : 141.6%), ASA(2.01${\rightarrow}$4.22 : 110.0%), SSOS(2.78${\rightarrow}$4.87 : 75.2%), SHPP(2.12${\rightarrow}$3.40) : 60.4%)의 순이었다. 또 b$^*$값은 대조구(4.32${\rightarrow}$6.35 : 47.0%), ASA(4.66${\rightarrow}$5.73 : 23.0%), SSOS (4.90${\rightarrow}$5.89 : 20.2%), SHPP(4.89${\rightarrow}$5.12 : 4.7%) 순서로 SHPP가 가장 색깔 변화가 없었다. 관능적 조직감은 변형 전분을 사용한 경우 높게 나타나고 특히 SHPP는 가장 좋은 관능적 조직감을 유지하는 것으로 나타났다.



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