Modern Japan has been known as the country manufacturing Shin-gosen that denotes Japanese synthetic fiber. Japan has long traditon of weaving and dyeing of local traditional Textiles. Japanese traditional weaving and dyeing methods have been handed down through hundred years and various type of textiles have been fabricated in different regions. Japanese modern worldly famous fashion designers are recognized by using the Japanese traditional textiles. Traditional textiles of Japan are inherited in the present age and become the source of inspiration for modern Japanese fashion designers. This research investigated the originality and modernity of 10 kinds of main Japanese traditional textiles by design servey, 5kinds of weaving methods and 5kinds of dyeing methods. The 5kinds weaving methods include Kasuri, Shima, Cizimi, Zohu, Chumugi and 5kinds dyeing methods include Izome, Katazome, Tuzukaki, Uzen, Shibori dyeing.