치아 근관 감염 검체에서 검은 색소 형성 Prevotella species와 Porphyromonas species의 동정

Identification of the Black-pigmented Prevotella Species and Porphyromonas Species from Infected Dental Root Canals

  • 김은숙 (원광보건대학 임상병리과) ;
  • 김신무 (원광보건대학 임상병리과)
  • Kim, Eun-Sook (Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, Wonkwang Health Science College) ;
  • Kim, Shin-Moo (Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, Wonkwang Health Science College)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.30


Anaerobic black-pigmented bacteria have been implicated in the endodontic infections. This group of microorganisms includes Porphyromonas endodontalis, P. gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, and Prevotella nigrescens. The organisms display a wide variety of virulence factors that may be pertinent to acute endodontic infections. The aim of this study was to identify P. endodontalis, P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, and P. nigrescens by using the special potency disk test, filter paper spot test, 16S rRNA gene-directed PCR, and API 32A system. Microbial samples were collected from root canals of 33 intact teeth with necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis. Conventional laboratory methods were used to identify the strains of anaerobic black pigmented bacteria. Eighteen out of 33 samples were positive for the growth of black-pigmented bacrteria. Five colonies were cultured from each pure cultured colony from Brucella agar plates. Seventy seven colonies were positive for the growth of black-pigmented bacteria. Thirty three out of 77(42.8%) were identifed as P. nigrescens, 10 out of 77(13%)were P. gingivalis, 6 out of 77(7.8%) were P. endodontalis, 10 out of 77(13%) were P. intermedia. On the contrary the reference strains of P. nigrescens, experimental strains of P. nigrescens were susceptible to kanamycin in the special potency disk test. We concluded that after rapid presumptive identification methods, such as the special potency disk test and filter paper spot test were done, 16S rRNA gene PCR and API 32A test would be accurate detection methods for black-pigemented bacteria.
