생애회고적 이야기치료 집단프로그램이 노인의 자아통합감 증진에 미치는 효과

Effects of Life Review-Narrative Group Therapy Program to Increase Ego-Integrity in the Elderly

  • 여인숙 (선재아동가족상담연구소) ;
  • 김춘경 (경북대학교 아동가족학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.05.30


The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of a life review-narrative group therapy program aimed at increasing ego-integrity in the elderly. The life review-narrative group therapy program was organized according to the tfe course from childhood to old age. The objectives of the program were for the elderly to enhance their self-worth, become aware of their individual self existence, accept aging and death, accept the past and present life, and to make the most of their experiences of overcoming difficulties. The counseling techniques used in the program were mainly reminiscence and re-authoring of the narrative therapy. Thirty-two elderly people aged 60 years and over (16 in each of experimental and control groups) were selected randomly from the Daegu Metropolitan City General Welfare Center for the research. The two groups were identified as equivalent for the study in a pre-test. The program of the experimental group was implemented twice a week for 90 minutes per session over a 6-week period (Sep. 8th - Oct. 14th. 2005). The pre (Sep. 8th 2005), the post (Oct. 14th. 2005) and follow-up (Nov. 14th. 2005) tests were implemented in ordo, to verify the effectiveness of the program. The instruments used in the study were the Ego-Integrity Scale. The data were analyzed using t-test, and Ore-Factor Repeated Measures ANOVA. The findings of the study were as follows. The experimental group evidenced significant effects on enhancing ego-integrity. The result of the post hoc multiple comparisons showed that the effects of the life review-narrative group therapy Program were maintained for one months. Meanwhile the control group did not show any significant change in ego-integrity. Based on these findings, the limitations of the study were discussed, and further research was suggested.



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