Carbon letters
- 제7권2호
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- Pages.105-113
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- 2006
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- 1976-4251(pISSN)
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- 2233-4998(eISSN)
Electro-chemical Removal Properties of Water Pollutants by Ag-ACF from Piggery Waste
Oh, Won-Chun
(Department of Advanced Materials & Science Engineering, Hanseo University) ;
- Bae, Jang-Soon (Department of Industrial Chemistry, Dankook University) ;
- Ko, Young-Shin (Department of Science Education, Seoul National University of Education)
- 투고 : 2006.04.18
- 심사 : 2006.06.05
- 발행 : 2006.06.30
The electro-chemical removal (ECR) of water pollutants by metal-ACF electrodes from wastewater was investigated over wide range of ECR time. The ECR capacities of metallic ACF electrodes were related to physical properties such as adsorption isotherm, surface area and pore size and to reaction time. Surface morphologies and elemental analysis for the metal supported ACFs after electro-catalytic reaction were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy disperse X-ray (EDX) to explain the changes in adsorption properties. The IR spectra of metallic ACFs for the investigation of functional groups show that the electro-catalytic treatment is consequently associated with the removal of pollutants with the increasing surface reactivity of the activated carbon fibers. The metal-ACFs were electro-catalytically reacted to waste water to investigate the removal efficiency for the COD, T-N,