This study was conducted to provide the genetic diversity on Safflower collections and to identify the variations which could be utilized in Safflower breeding. The RAPDs analysis was used to clarify the genetic relationships among 32 Safflower collections. Among 37 primers applied in RAPD analysis, 25 primers that generated appropriate PCR products for identification of the genetic characters in safflower collections were used. Amplified PCR showed the highly reproducible bands at $0.1{\sim}4.0kb$. The number of bands amplified in each primer showed the variations ranging from 1 to 9, with the average of 5.6. A total of 25 bands were identified among twenty-five selected primers and 23 bands (19.2%) showed polymorphism. Based on the similarity value of 0.042 in dendrogram derived from the cluster analysis, the 32 Safflower collections were classified into 6 groups. The two main groups, II and III included 12 collections (38%) and 12 collections (38%), respectively.
홍화 수집종의 RAPD 분석을 통한 유전적 다양성 및 유연관계를 밝히고 품종군을 분류하여 품종육성의 기초자료로 활용코자 시험한 결과는 아래와 같다. RAPD 분석에 적용한 37개의 Primer 중 25개의 적정 primer를 선발하였고, 증폭원 PCR산물은 $0.1{\sim}4.0kb$에서 재현성있는 band를 보였으며 각 primer에 의해 증폭된 band의 수는 $1{\sim}9$개로 다양하였고 평균 4.8개였다. PCR 반응에 사용된 25개의 primer에서 120개의 band가 관찰되었으며 다형성을 보이는 band될 수는 23개(19.2%)였다. RAPD-PCR에 의해 얻어진 dendrogram에서 유연계수 0.042를 기준으로 합을 했을 때 6개 군으로 분류되었고 II군과 III군은 각각 12종(38%)씩 속하였다.