효과적인 정보보호인식제고 방안

  • Published : 2006.04.01


최근 정보보호분야는 공격기술이 방어기술보다 더 뛰어난 상태이며, 이는 사회공학, 악성코드, 제로데이 공격 등으로 인하여 정보보호 솔루션을 아무리 이용하여도 막을 수 없는 것이다. 그러므로 정보보호를 모든 참여자들이 생활화하기 위한 정보보호인식제고 프로그램 효율적으로 진행하기 위한 방안을 기술한다.



  1. SANS Papers: 'Security Awareness: Preventing a Lack in Security Conscious ness', Katherine Ludwig, May 25, 2001. http://rr.sans.org/aware/lack.php
  2. 'Introduction and Education of Information Security Policies to Employees in My Organization', Harbinder Kaur, August 29, 2001. http://rr.sans.org/aware/infosec_policies.php
  3. Microsoft offers two free security aware ness screen savers: the Ten Immutable Laws of Security, and one that dis plays the Ten Immutable Laws of Security Administration. http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/Release.asp?ReleaseID=26684
  4. Cybercitizen Awareness Program probably not too useful for professional organizations, but I include it because it illustrates that security awareness can begin at any age. http://www.cybercitizenship.org/
  5. Computer Security Institute. This company offers security awareness newsletters, security alerts, and security assessment kits, among other things. https://wow.mfi.com/csi/order/publications.html
  6. Interpact, Inc. offers a variety of services including awareness programs, seminars, brochures, artwork, and others. http://www.interpactinc.com/home.htmlNative Intelligence, Inc. They offer a variety of awareness services including tutorials
  7. posters, screen savers, animations, and haikus to help educate your personnel. http://www.nativeintelligence.com/
  8. Security Awareness Inc. This company has several offerings including tutorials, posters, screen savers, an awareness workshop, banners, and other educational tools. http://www.securityawareness.com/
  9. Security Web Sites offers a customizable website service, and awareness presentations. http://www.securitywebsites.com/
  10. 임채호, SIS03, '효과적인 정보보호 인식제고 방안', 2003. 7