Progress in Superconductivity
- Volume 7 Issue 2
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- Pages.179-183
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- 2006
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- 1229-4764(pISSN)
A study on the Joining Properties of Bi-2212 High-Tc Superconducting Tube and Indium Solder
Bi-2212 고온초전도튜브와 인듐솔더의 접합특성연구
- Oh, S.Y. (Department of Nuclear Materials Development, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
- Hyun, O.B. (Advanced Technology Center, Korea Electric Power Research Institute) ;
Kim, Chan-Joong
(Department of Nuclear Materials Development, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
- Published : 2006.04.01
As a material for SFCL(Superconducting Fault Current Limiter), BSCCO tube with metal stabilizer is a promising candidate, assuring the stability and large power capacity, For the application, the proper soldering technique, which overcome the difficulties of the joining between BSCCO and metal stabilizer, is required. In this study, after soldering In-Bi solder and In-Sn solder with BSCCO superconductor, welding properties between BSCCO and solders were investigated. Because ceramic materials is difficult to weld, Ag electro-plating on BSCCO 2212 is used for intermetallic layer. To find out the best welding condition for superconductor, soldering is tested in the maximum temperature from