An analysis of the Physical Features for the disabled of Civic Service Offices in the City of Daegu

지체장애인의 편의증진을 위한 동사무소 물리적 환경 분석 및 개선방안

  • 이정훈 (경북대학교 대학원 건축공학과) ;
  • 김현주 (경북대학교 대학원 건축공학과) ;
  • 김성화 (창원대학교 건축학부) ;
  • 최무혁 (경북대학교 건축학부)
  • Published : 2006.04.01


This study is to promote barrier-free environment to accommodate the request and the need for accessibility and convenience of disabled people including pregnant women, children and the elderly in using civic service offices which are supposed to play a role as community centers. This study researches the current state of facilities for convenience and analyzes the result according to the type of reasons which prevent disabled persons to get the accessibility and convenience for the information as well as the facilities. Sample cases are 15 civic service offices which are newly built after 1998 in the city of Daegu. There are found three types of problems about convenient facilities, which are the first cases with facilities not installed, the second cases with facilities not properly installed according to the rule, and the third cases with facilities installed properly according to the rule but inconvenient for the actual use. This study proposes a more critical process for the building permit to promote the rate of proper installation of convenience facilities, and the supplementary law with more specific regulations to improve the physical environment for the actual use of physically disabled people.



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