관개용 댐의 효율적 저수관리를 통한 밭 관개 용수 확보

Security of Upland Irrigation Water through the Effective Storage Management of Irrigation Dams

  • Lee Joo-Yong (Civil and Environmental System Engineering, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim Sun-Joo (Civil and Environmental System Engineering, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim Phil-Shik (Civil and Environmental System Engineering, Konkuk University)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


In Korea, upland irrigation generally depends on the ground water or natural rainfall since irrigation water supplied from dams is mainly used for paddy irrigation, and only limited amount of irrigation water is supplied to the upland area. For the stable security of upland irrigation water, storage level of irrigation dams was simulated by the periods. A year was divided into 4 periods considering the irrigation characteristics. Through the periodical management of storage level, water utilization efficiency in irrigation dams could be enhanced and it makes available to secure extra available water from existing dams without new development of water resources. Two study areas, Seongju and Donghwa dam, were selected for this study. Runoff from the watersheds was simulated by the modified tank model and the irrigation water to upland crops was calculated by the Penman-Monteith method. The analyzed results showed that relatively sufficient extra available water could be secured for the main upland crops in Seongju area. In case of Donghwa area, water supply to non-irrigated upland was possible in normal years but extra water was necessary in drought years such as 1998 and 2001.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Projection of Consumptive Use and Irrigation Water for Major Upland Crops using Soil Moisture Model under Climate Change vol.56, pp.5, 2014,