The Functional Change of Rural Society in Korea: from Food Supply to Balanced Development

한국 농촌의 기능 변화: 식량공급에서 국가균형발전으로

  • Lim Hyung-Baek (Dept. of Community Development, Sungkyul University)
  • 임형백 (성결대학교 지역사회개발학부)
  • Published : 2006.03.01


The major purposes of this paper are (1) to explore korean rural planning as subplanning of nation planning and regional planning, (2) to explore functional change of korean rural areas, (3) and suggest appropriate policy for functional change of rural society in Korea. I divided korean rural planning into five periods according to its paradigm shift. In the first period of rural planning lay emphasis on food self-supply, antipoverty and improvement of living condition. In the second period of rural planning lay emphasis on food self-supply, green revolution and income gap mitigation between urban and rural areas. In the third period of rural planning lay emphasis on integrated rural development. In the fourth period of rural planning lay emphasis on multifunctionality of agriculture. In the fifth period of rural planning Korea government announced a new policy and lay emphasis on balanced national development. Food supply used to be most important function of rural areas, but it is weakened in recent days. The role as axis for balanced national development become another important function of rural areas.
