State-Dependent Call Admission Control in Hierarchical Wireless Multiservice Networks

  • Chung Shun-Ping (Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Lee Jin-Chang (Chunghwa Telecommunication Laboratories, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


State-dependent call admission control (SDCAC) is proposed to make efficient use of scarce wireless resource in a hierarchical wireless network with heterogeneous traffic. With SDCAC, new calls are accepted according to an acceptance probability taking account of not only cell dwell time but also call holding time and system state (i.e., occupied bandwidth). An analytical method is developed to calculate performance measures of interest, e.g., new call blocking probability, forced termination probability, over. all weighted blocking probability. Numerical results with not only stationary but nonstationary traffic loads are presented to show the robustness of SDCAC. It is shown that SDCAC performs much better than the other considered schemes under nonstationary traffic load.



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