The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology (대한한방부인과학회지)
- Volume 19 Issue 2
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- Pages.186-198
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- 2006
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- 1229-4292(pISSN)
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- 2508-3619(eISSN)
Effect of Hyulbuchukeotang on the Inhibition of Proliferation of Uterine leiomyoma cells and Cell apoptosis
혈부축어탕(血府逐瘀湯) 자궁근종세포의 증식억제와 Apoptosis 관련 유전자 발현에 미치는 영향
- Moon, Na-Young (Dep. of gynecology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daeguhaany University) ;
- Baek, Seung-Hee (Dep. of gynecology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daeguhaany University) ;
Kim, Dong-Chul
(Dep. of gynecology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daeguhaany University)
- Published : 2006.05.31
Purpose : The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the direct inhibitory effect of Hyulbuchukeotang on the proliferation of uterine leiomyoma cells through an experiment treating uterine leiomyoma cells cultivated by explantation with indicated concentrations of Hyulbuchukeotang and to research the gene expression related to cell cycle ill order to discover the connection with apoptosis and its mechanism by analyzing cell cycle. Methods : After primary culture of uterine leiomyoma cells, the cultivated uterine leiomyoma cells were treated with indicated concentrations of Hyulbuchukeotang for 24 hours. The inhibitory effect on the cell proliferation was determined by the cell count assay. The value of a cell count assay represent the percentage of cells in a phase of the cell cycle compared with total cells. In addition, a link between Hyulbuchukeotang and apoptosis was examined through flow cytometric analysis by FACS and DNA fragmentation analysis. Finally, the degree of gene expression related to cell cycle was evaluated by Western blot analysis. Results : The inhibitory effect of Hyulbuchukeotang increase of uterine leiomyoma cells treated with indicated concentrations of Hyulbuchkeotang increases. The result of gene expression related to G1 phase after treating with 100, 250, 500, 1,000