An Analysis on Actual Condition of Health Promotion Program through Oriental Medicine in Health Center

한방건강증진HUB보건소사업 실태분석

  • Cho, Woo-Young (Graduate School of Public Health, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Yoo, Wang-Keu (Graduate School of Public Health, Daegu Haany University)
  • 조우영 (대구한의대학교 보건대학원) ;
  • 유왕근 (대구한의대학교 보건대학원)
  • Published : 2006.12.28


This study was carried out to examine the actual condition of health promotion program through oriental medicine in the health center and to provide basic data to develop proper policy of oriental medical health promotion program for the community people. The data were collected from 26 health centers which have been implementing the oriental medical health promotion program, using selfadministered questionnaire for two weeks from 1 October to 15 October 2006. The results are as follows : Generally, the respondents have the positive views on the level of budget and facilities/equipments of the oriental medical health promotion program in health center. However, they have the negative views on the level of manpower and education/training of the program. And also more than 70% of the respondents have the negative opinion on capabilities of formulating and evaluating the oriental medical health promotion program. The respondents indicated that there was the lack of coordination between the oriental medical health promotion program and existing health promotion in health center, and that low rate of utilizing community resources. With regard to the method of selecting the target group for the program, there are differences according to the each program. Many programs tended to select the target group not through the criteria of life-course and illness group but through the efficiency of selecting group. And many programs such as stroke prevention program, constitutional medicine program, oriental medical prenatal program, oriental medical prenatal and postnatal program, oriental medical child care program are mainly composed of the development of educational program and lecture. Regarding the number of the present oriental medical health promotion programs, around 65% of respondents answered that the number of the programs was many and thus they needed to decrease to the proper level. And with regard to the priority of the need, effectiveness and the satisfaction for each programs, on the whole, Qui gong program, stroke prevention program, area-specialty program and oriental medical home visiting program have high score. In particular, oriental medical quit-smoking program has lowest score. From these results, it requires to develop and improve the oriental medical health promotion program in health center considering the need and characteristics of community.
