Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine (대한예방한의학회지)
- Volume 10 Issue 2
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- Pages.11-17
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- 2006
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- 1226-7066(pISSN)
Yangseng(Health Preservation) and Relaxation Theraphy
양생(養生)과 이완요법(弛緩療法)
Shin, Yong-Cheol
(Dept. of Preventive Medicine, College of Traditional Korean Medicine, Kyunghee Univ.) ;
Ko, Seong-Gyu
(Dept. of Preventive Medicine, College of Traditional Korean Medicine, Kyunghee Univ.)
- Published : 2006.12.28
TIn the study of Yangseng(養生) and Relaxation therapy, the results were as follows : According to the traditonal oriental medical theory, Oriental medicine focused on Yangseng(養生). Especially vital-energy is able to resist the disease and adapt to the environment and assist the healing of the body. Relaxation theraphy is a kind of Qigong. And it is not only breathe, but also accumulate the vital energy in the body, Which is also called "genuine qi(眞氣)" or "internal qi(內氣)." The therapy is based on controlling of Sprit(神), Breathing(呼吸), Mind(心). And it is in harmony with Qi-circulation(氣-循環), so smoothing the circulation of meridians, strengthened Essential-material(精), Qi(氣), Sprit(神). The Relaxation theraphy made the body and mind relaxed, and it is helpful of preventation of disease and mental health. And it treats neurosis, somatoform disease, it uses main or helpful therapy of various disease, elevates health mental concentration. And it is more effective by application of music, aroma, taping, psycho-therapy.