호텔 고객 접점 종업원의 서비스 재량 행위와 신뢰 경영간의 관계에 관한 연구

Research on the Relationship between the Service Discretion Acts of Customer-encountering Employees and Trust Management

  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


This research has attempted to asses the relationship between trust management, the element of service discretion act, and the quality of the service. The research model and assumption have been set up based on such a theoretical research and the demonstrative analysis of the customer-encountering employees of five-star hotels in Seoul. The results of the study are as follows; First, the rationalization of management can be achieved by improving the service through having a command of trust management as a management strategy. Second, there has been significant differences between variables such as the degree of importance and accomplishment of trust management. And it tells us that it is necessary to improve the range of service discretion acts up to the level where the difference between importance and accomplishment is not in existence. Third, the variable changes according to demographic characteristics show us the necessity of providing individualized education by recognizing the differences among groups. Fourth, the trust management has a considerable effect on the quality of the service, and this indicates that the quality of the service can be improved through expanding the range of service discretion acts of customer-encountering employees.
