Biological Contamination Parameters of Cotton Lint as Biomarkers for Fibre Quality; A Preliminary Study

  • Lane Samantha R. (Division of Pharmacology, Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University) ;
  • Sewell Robert D.E. (Division of Pharmacology, Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University) ;
  • Jiang Robert (Quality Arbitration Laboratory, International Cotton Association)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


It has been reported for several decades that microbes, which naturally contaminate cotton fibres during crop growth and subsequent storage can have an adverse effect on the structural quality of cotton lint. Although several studies have analysed the relationship between numbers of Gram-negative bacteria or bacterial endotoxin and particular physical properties, these studies have been limited to cotton from the United States, and the possible effects of fungal contamination have not been examined in detail. This study quantified the Gram-negative bacteria and fungal cells, as well as measuring concentrations of bacterial endotoxin and fungal glucan, on cotton lint samples from international sources. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients calculated between these results and quality data analysed by an automated testing instrument revealed several significant correlations. Findings included inverse correlations between the biological contamination parameters and fibre elongation, micronaire and reflectance. The possible causes and implications of these findings were also discussed.



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