Biological Control and Plant-Growth Promotion by Bacillus Strains from Milk

  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


Six-hundred bacterial strains from human milk and milk from Sahiwal cows, Holstein Friesian cows, and buffaloes were screened for their ability to suppress phytopathogenic fungi under in vitro conditions. A consortium of 3 strains, viz., Bacillus lentimorbus B-30486 (B-30486), B. subtilis B-30487 (B-30487), and B. lentimorbus B-30488 (B-30488), isolated from Sahiwal cow milk resulted in better biological control and plant-growth promotion than single-strain treatments. For commercial-scale production of a bioinoculant, the solid-state fermentation of sugarcane agro-industrial residues, i.e., molasses, press mud, and spent wash, using the consortium of B-30486, B-30487, and B-30488, resulted in a value-added product, useful for enhancing plant growth. The application of the consortium to sugarcane fields infested with Fusarium moniliforme and Colletotrichum falcatum resulted in a reduction of mortality and significantly higher (P=0.05) plant height, number of tillers, and cane girth when compared with the control. Furthermore, under field conditions, the treatment of sugarcane with the consortium resulted in significantly (P=0.05) greater plant growth compared with nonbacterized plants. Accordingly, this is the first report on the effective use of bacteria isolated from milk for biological control and enhancing plant growth under field conditions. Furthormore, a solid-state fermentation technology was developed that facilitates the economic utilization of agro-industrial residues for environmental conservation and improving plant and soil health.



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