1-Aza-18-Crown-6를 이용한 우라늄(VI) 이온 흡착제 수지 합성

Resin Synthesis of Adsorbent Uranium(VI) Ion using 1-Aza-18-Crown-6

  • 김선화 (동신대학교 환경공학과) ;
  • 김해진 (동신대학교 한약제산업학과)
  • Kim, Sun-Hwa (Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Dongshin University) ;
  • Kim, Hae-Jin (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Materials, Dongshin University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


The ion exchange resins have been synthesized from chlormethyl styrene - 1,4 - divinylbenzene(DVB) with 1%, 2%, 4% and 8%-crosslinking and 1-aza-18-crown-6 macrocyclic ligand by copolymerization method. Content of chlorine in styrene-DVB copolymer was decreased as crosslink increased and it is because as crosslink increased 1%, 2%, 4% and 8% DVB content increased and crosslink density increased and cavity was reduced. Functional group of resin almost disappeared as C-C1 peak around $700cm^{-1}$ was substituted with 1-aza-18-C-6 macrocyclic ligand and new peak of C-N around $1020cm^{-1}$ appeared, so it was confirmed that styrene-DVB copolymer and ligand were compounded. As crosslink increased in the analysis of element contents, it resulted in the reduction of nitrogen content and it is because as crosslink increased, it led to the reduction of chlorine content in the process of substitution reaction and it affected macrocyclic ligand substituted. Thermo analysis curve of functional synthetic resin decomposed three part of 1-aza-18-C-6, styrene, and DVB. Form of functional synthetic resin showed distortion of its particles as macrocyclic ligand was introduced to styrene-DVB copolymer and hydrogen of ligand caused substitution with chlorine element of styrene molecule.



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