발효한 남은 음식물사료의 급여가 돼지의 성장 및 돈육품질에 미치는 영향

Effects of Fermented Food Waste Supplementation on Growth Performance and Pork Quality in Pigs

  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of fermented food waste (FFW) supplementation on growth, nutrient digestibility and pork quality of growing pigs. A total of 48 crossbred pigs were assigned to four treatments in a randomized complete block (RCB) design. Treatments were 1) Control (basal), 2) FFW 2% (basal+2%FFW), 3) FFW 4% (basal+4%FFW) and 4) FFW 6% (basal+6%FFW). Diets were formulated based on corn-soybean meal and the FFW products were provided to weaning, growing and finishing periods. During the whole experimental period, FFW treatment groups showed similar ADG, ADFI and G:F ratios (P>.10) compared to control group. However, In the finishing period, pigs fed 6% FFW tended to be lower ADG than other dietary treatments (P=0.13) resulting in lower final weight. All pigs showed inconsistent blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentrations pattern. In metabolic trial, nutrient digestibility was not affected by the supplementation of FFW. The pork quality was affected by the supplementation of FFW based upon pork pH, lipid peroxidation (TBARS) and meat color analysis. These results suggested that utilization of fermented food waste to growing pig's diet reduce production cost without any detrimental effect on pork quality when it was provided at low level.



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피인용 문헌

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