The Characteristics of Hydrodynamic Dispersion in a Horizontally Heterogeneous Fractured Rock Through Single Well Injection Withdrawal Tracer Tests

수평적으로 불균질한 단열암반층에서 단공주입양수 추적자시험에 의한 수리분산특성

  • Kang, Dong-Hwan (Department of Environmental Geosciences, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Chung, Sang-Yong (Department of Environmental Geosciences, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kim, Byung-Woo (Department of Environmental Geosciences, Pukyong National University)
  • 강동환 (부경대학교 환경지질과학과) ;
  • 정상용 (부경대학교 환경지질과학과) ;
  • 김병우 (부경대학교 환경지질과학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


Single well injection withdrawal tracer tests with bromide were carried out at two wells developed in a horizontally heterogeneous fractured rock. The hydraulic conductivity of TW-1 well was 5 times larger than TW-2 well, and the average linear velocity of TW-2 well was 1.8 times faster than TW-1 well. The difference of hydrodynamic dispersions of two wells in the fractured rock was studied with the analysis of concentration breakthrough curves and cumulative mass recovery curves of bromide with withdrawal time, and the estimation of average travel distance, pore velocity, longitudinal dispersivity and longitudinal dispersion coefficient. The average travel distances of bromide were estimated to be 3.00 m in TW-1 well and 5.62 m in TW-2 well. The average pore velocities for the injection/withdrawal phase were estimated to be $4.31\;{\times}\;10^{-4}\;m/sec$ in TW-1 well and $8.08\;{\times}\;10^{-4}\;m/sec$ in TW-2 well. Average travel distance and pore velocity were higher in TW-2 well because of small effective porosity. Longitudinal dispersivities were estimated to be 28.73 cm in TW-1 well and 18.49 cm in TW-2 well, and bromide transport was 1.55 times faster in TW-1 well. Longitudinal dispersion coefficients were estimated to be $5.14\;{\times}\;10^{-6}\;m^2/sec$ in TW-1 well and $6.06\;{\times}\;10^{-6}\;m^2/sec$ in TW-2 well, and diffusion area was 1.18 times larger in TW-2 well.

본 연구에서는 단열암반층에 굴착된 2개의 지하수공(TW-1, TW-2)에서 브롬이온을 이용한 단공주입양수 추적자시험 (Single Well Injection Withdrawal tracer test, SWIW tracer test)이 수행되었다. 이 두 지하수공에서는 대수층의 수리전도도와 지하수의 평균선형유속이 다른데, TW-1공에서 수리전도도가 5배 정도 크고, TW-2공에서는 평균선형 유속이 1.8배 정도 빠르다. 추적자시험으로부터 시간에 따른 브롬이온의 농도이력곡선과 누적질량회수곡선이 작성되어 분석되었으며, 또한 평균이송거리, 공극유속, 종분산지수와 종분산계수를 산정하여 단열암반층의 수평적인 불균질성에 따른 수리분산 차이가 해석되었다. 브롬이온의 평균이송거리는 TW-1공에서 3.00 m, TW-2공에서 5.62 m이며, 주입/양수 단계에서 평균적인 공극유속은 TW-1공에서 $4.31\;{\times}\;10^{-4}\;m/sec$, TW-2공에서 $8.08\;{\times}\;10^{-4}\;m/sec$로 산정되었다. TW-2공에서 단열암반층의 유효공극율이 작아서 평균이송거리와 공극유속이 크게 나타났다. 단공주입양수 추적자시험에 의해 산정된 종분산지수는 TW-1공에서 28.73 cm, TW-2공에서는 18.49 cm로서, TW-1공에서 용질이송이 1.55배 정도 빠른 것으로 나타났다. 평균선형유속을 이용하여 구한 종분산계수는 TW-1공에서 $5.14\;{\times}\;10^{-6}\;m^2/sec$, TW-2공에서 $6.06\;{\times}\;10^{-6}\;m^2/sec$로서, TW-2공에서 브롬이온의 확산면적이 1.18배 정도 넓은 것으로 나타났다.



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